This class is full. Please call 785-842-4333 to be put on the waiting list.
Mar. 15 (Sat.) 1-4 pm, 1 day
Learn the basics of chain, slip stitch, single and double crochet and more while making a granny square. You will work with two colors of worsted weight cotton yarn to make a square. A good refresher course or one for the first-time crocheter. By Debbie Matthias.
Supplies to bring, all of which are available at the Yarn Barn:
It's best to come to class with your supplies, but students may arrive a few minutes early to purchase them before class starts.
PARKING: The New Hampshire Parking Garage is located at 927 New Hampshire Street. Top level parking is free. Level 2 parking is $2.00 to park for the whole day. Street level and basement level parking is 2-hour free parking. Pay stations are located at each stairwell on the street level. Sunday parking is free downtown.
Yarn Barn accepts Mastercard, Visa, Discover, and Yarn Barn gift certificates on this website.
Mail order telephone answered Monday-Friday 9:00-5:00, Saturday 9:00-1:00. All times Central.
©2025 Yarn Barn of Kansas. All Rights Reserved.