Don't know the color of the yarn, the style of the shuttle, or the date of the class your fiber enthusiast wants?  No worries--a gift certificate is always the right choice!  We can email the gift certificate to you during business hours or, if you prefer, put a paper gift certificate in the postal mail.

Gift Certificate $15
Gift Certificate $15

Item #: GCERT0015-

Gift Certificate $25
Gift Certificate $25

Item #: GCERT0025-

Gift Certificate $35
Gift Certificate $35

Item #: GCERT0035-

Gift Certificate $50
Gift Certificate $50

Item #: GCERT0050-

Gift Certificate $75
Gift Certificate $75

Item #: GCERT0075-

Gift Certificate $100
Gift Certificate $100

Item #: GCERT0100-

Gift Certificate $150
Gift Certificate $150

Item #: GCERT0150-

Gift Certificate $250
Gift Certificate $250

Item #: GCERT0250-