SALES 800.468.0035
INFO 785.842.4333
SALES 800.468.0035
INFO 785.842.4333
Monday-Saturday 10:00-5:00
Sunday 1:00-4:00
CLOSED: Dec. 30-Jan. 1, Easter, Memorial Day, July 4, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.
The Yarn Barn is easy to find--we're just off Interstate 70 in eastern Kansas. Our street address is 930 Massachusetts St., Lawrence, KS 66044.
FROM THE EAST OR WEST on I-70 (which is also the Kansas Turnpike near Lawrence): Take exit 204. After paying the toll, turn left (south) and continue approximately one mile, at which point you cross over the river bridge. Continue one block ahead moving into the left lane (this street is one-way for only one block). Turn left (east) on 7th St; go one block and turn right onto Massachusetts St. We are 2 1/2 blocks down the hill on the east side.
FROM THE EAST OR WEST on I-70 (which is also the Kansas Turnpike near Lawrence): Take exit 204. After paying the toll, turn left (south) and continue approximately one mile, at which point you cross over the river bridge. Continue one block ahead moving into the left lane (this street is one-way for only one block). Turn left (east) on 7th St; go one block and turn right onto Massachusetts St. We are 2 1/2 blocks down the hill on the east side.
FROM THE EAST on K-10 Highway. As you come into Lawrence on K-10, take the 23rd St. exit. (Don't miss this exit! It's a long way to the next one!) Continue west on 23rd St. through the commercial area, past a couple of farm implement dealerships, and Haskell Indian Nations University. Start watching street signs in the residential area, and turn right (north) on Massachusetts St. (the street immediately before Massachusetts is New Hampshire St.). Continue north on Massachusetts St. into the downtown. We are in the middle of the 900 block on the east side.
IN ALL CASES you can go around the
block behind the store, park in the
parking garage, and come in our back door or use metered parking on Massachusetts St.
Our street address is 930 Massachusetts St.
If you get into town and are still lost, give us a call at (785) 842-4333.
You can sometimes visit us when we are away from the store at consumer conferences, but the store will still be open at those times.
If you have questions about how to find us and want to email, do so at
YARN BARN of KANSAS, IncYarn Barn accepts Mastercard, Visa, Discover, and Yarn Barn gift certificates on this website.
Mail order telephone answered Monday-Friday 9:00-5:00, Saturday 9:00-1:00. All times Central.
©2025 Yarn Barn of Kansas. All Rights Reserved.