Gilmore Girls: The Official Knitting Book

Gilmore Girls: The Official Knitting Book
Item Number: KB-9798886634747
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Detailed Description

Gilmore Girls: The Official Knitting Book
by Tanis Gray

Knit your way through Stars Hollow and your favorite episodes of the beloved TV series Gilmore Girls. You'll love the recreated knitted items that are worn throughout the show, the quirky references, and memorable favorite lines. Along with all the wonderfully written patterns are scenes from the show, quotes, and fun facts about the show, actors, and behind the scenes fun. Knit Luke's pullover, Rory's Chilton cowl, Richard's dinner bow tie, Emily's golf tam, or Lorelai and Rory dolls. 29 patterns in all! A great collectors book for a Gilmore Girl fan!

hard cover, 199 pages